Solihull Women's Institute

745 Warwick Road, Solihull, Solihull, B91 3DG, West Midlands, England

based on 2 reviews
Fully equipped kitchen,electric oven, refrigerator, dishwasher. Microphones & audio equipment. Lifts for disabled. Car parking for use of WI members & hirers of hall when these are officially using hall. Capacity 100 seated.
Hall Type
other hall

Availability and Hire Costs

Availability: Please contact us for details

Hire Costs: Please contact us for details

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This listing was last updated: 27/07/2024

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There are 2 reviews of Solihull Women's Institute.

  • We recently updated the contact number for this hall as the previous number was incorrect, so you may like to try again.

    Reviewed by Anonymous 12 years ago
  • Having enquired about the hire of the hall some weeks back and sending a booking form to Graham I am still waiting for a reply as to the available booking dates. Unfortunately I am getting no reply from telephone messages left. If possible could someone confirm if the hall is still available for my requirements. Thank you and await a reply.

    Reviewed by Anonymous 12 years ago

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