Flowers you can still grow in time for your summer wedding

We were very lucky that we moved into a new house a year before our wedding which had previously been owned by an amazing gardener. That meant we had roses galore for our wedding. Plus I planted and grew some chrysanthemums - I called them my chrysanthemum army as I had rows of pots out on a patch of gravel so they could catch the sun for as long as possible each day - so as to look like giant daises. It meant that we provided our own flowers for our reception (and I bought vases from local charity shops whenever I saw a pretty one pop up).

I've then gone through phases over the years of growing various cut flowers - which I love reaping the results of - and need to get myself sorted if I want to do the same this year.

cut flower garden

It may be practically May but there's still just enough time for you to plant seeds to grow flowers for your summer wedding. Below are 5 beautiful blooms you can plant now and harvest for your table centre pieces. The links below are not affiliate links (so, I don't earn any commission from sending you to this website), but will take you to where you can order seeds and see pictures of the flowers. (I'm not a gardener so double check these will do what you need them to!) The pictures in this article are from my Instagram so hop over there and scroll back a couple of years to see more.

Gysophila: A great stock flower to prettify any vase, this white whispy flower has wedding written all over it.
1000 seeds for £2.99

Cosmos: You need to get your skates on for these, but these beautiful white flowers with yellow centres will give a bridal and delicate English Country Garden feel to your reception. They are quite fragile though, I've found in the past, so you'll need to handle them gently when you pick them.
25 seeds for £3.49

I think the white ones here are probably cosmos...


Zinnias: Whilst the above 2 options are delicate and gentle, zinnias pack a punch of colour, especially this Raspberry Lemonade variety. I've personally grown zinnias a lot and they're great as cut flowers, as they have long stems and are quite hardy when it comes to bundling them in the car and then unwrapping them at the other end.
25 seeds for £3.99

My home grown zinnias and sunflowers from previous years:

zinnias and sunflowers

Sunflowers: Another bold but beautiful option, if you're going for a yellow sunshine kinda vibe (I did) then how about some sunflowers?! There are various options at Dobies, the link below is to a variety called "Big Smile".
25 seeds for £2.99

Asters: Brilliant pompom style heads on these blooms which make great cut flowers. These seeds are a mix of colours and are currently on sale.
230 seeds for £0.89

So there you have it - a quick list of 5 possible options for you to plant now and still harvest in time for your July / August / September wedding. Do tag me in any photos on Instagram if you grow any!